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Armtec - Multi Plate Reclaim Tunnel ORCA Quarry

Multi Plate Reclaim Tunnel ORCA Quarry

Project Location Owner: Polaris Minerals Corporation

Project Location Engineer: AMEC

Project Location Contractor: Connal Enterprises Ltd.

Project Location Location: Port McNeill BC

Armtec - Multi Plate Reclaim Tunnel ORCA Quarry
Polaris Minerals Corporation, based in Vancouver, British Columbia, is focused on supplying construction aggregates from Vancouver Island, BC, to coastal urban markets on the western seaboard of North America. The Orca Quarry, which is designed to produce 6 million tonnes of sand and gravel per year, is located on the east coast of northern Vancouver Island, 3.8km west of Port McNeill, British Columbia.

Product Utilized: Multi Plate

The Challenge

In order to load the quarry’s sand and gravel production onto freighters via a conveyor system, the aggregate required stockpiling above a reclaim tunnel—this is where the Armtec story begins. In the design stages of the project a year prior to construction, Armtec provided design and budget information to AMEC for the specified 3.67m diameter Multi Plate Round Structure under two sand and gravel piles, each having a height of 31m.

0 Millimeter Thick Structural Steel Plates
0 Hopper Openings Along the Tunnel
0 Million Tonnes of Sand Produced per Year

The Solution

To support this significant dead load, the resulting 264m long Multi Plate Round Structure was designed in the heaviest wall thickness possible (7mm) with a custom punched bolt pattern (2 bolts per corrugation). To permit emergency egress from the tunnel, Armtec designed and supplied a 1.0m diameter Hel-Cor CSP escape tunnel mid-way along the Multi Plate Structure. Prior to construction, Armtec Engineers conducted a pre-construction meeting to review plate assembly and backfill specifications and walked the site. Within four weeks, plate assembly was completed by the six-person crew using a telescoping crane. The owners completed the backfill installation of the structure with preapproved on-site granular materials. From pre-design work to manufacturing and start-up assistance with numerous site visits by its Engineers, Armtec provided a complete cost-effective solution for this mining application.

The Armtec team proved responsive and dealt promptly and effectively with engineering design issues as the project evolved. Delivery of the Multi-Plate tunnel components was timely and in accordance with our agreed schedule. I was very pleased with all aspects of the relationship with Armtec.
Herb Wilson, Vice President, Polaris Minerals

Armtec: Multi Plate Reclaim Tunnel ORCA Quarry. Project Image 1
Armtec: Multi Plate Reclaim Tunnel ORCA Quarry. Project Image 2
Armtec: Multi Plate Reclaim Tunnel ORCA Quarry. Project Image 3

Technical Details

3.67m diameter, 264m long round structure