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Armtec - Markham Storm Sewer

Markham Storm Sewer

Project Location Owner: Brennan Paving

Project Location Engineer: URS Consultants

Project Location Contractor: Brennen Paving

Project Location Location: Markham, ON

Armtec - Markham Storm Sewer
This project involved widening and improving the existing storm sewers on Warden Avenue in the Town of Markham. Some of the products supplied on this job included BOSS® 2000 HDPE storm sewer pipe, CSP culverts, and two stormwater treatment units.

Product Utilized: SteelCor Corrugated Steel Pipe

The Challenge

Originally, the hydrodynamic separator units supplied by Armtec were not specified on the project. In response, Armtec proposed the application of two CONTECH VortSentry units (Models VS60 and VS70.) By virtue of superior performance, ease of installation, and maintenance accessibility of both units in comparison to other products, the Consultant and the Ministry of the Environment accepted the proposal.

The Solution

The process of installation of the unit was very straightforward and went smoothly to the delight of the Contractors, Brennan Paving, and the York Region Inspectors. The job site was located on Warden Avenue, between 14th Avenue and McNabb St. Installation was quick. It started at 9 am and took a mere 45 minutes to complete! Prior to installation of the VortSentry units, the Contractor completed the excavation and compaction of bedding, followed by the installation of a safety box. The installation process involved placing the factory assembled VortSentry units inside the safety box and subsequently connecting them to the existing storm sewers. The York Region Inspectors and Brennan Paving were very impressed with the speed and ease of the installation process. Both organizations expressed appreciation for the support of Armtec’s technical on-site representatives

Armtec: Markham Storm Sewer. Project Image 1

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Markham Storm Sewer